Gasoline Alley, December 24, 1939

Gasoline Alley, December 24, 1939

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A year after the strip I posted yesterday, we see Skeezix coming to visit his family for Christmas, though it seems he's much more interested in visiting his girlfriend Nina. During the past year, Skeezix had turned 18, left home, and had some interesting adventures and gotten various jobs. It had only been a few months since they last saw him, but I guess when it's your family a relatively short time can seem like quite a while. Of course, it's always good to see your family at Christmas, no matter how long it's been.

It's interesting that at the beginning of the strip Judy seems much more excited to see Santa Claus, and not really that interested in seeing Skeezix. After all, she hasn't really known him for that long. I imagine she'll learn to appreciate these visits more as she gets older. It's also interesting to note that while Corky is there, he doesn't say anything in this strip. I guess Frank King decided to save all of the Corky dialogue for the topper.