Blog: christmas 2017

Roughin’ Reddy, December 7, 1930

Roughin’ Reddy, December 7, 1930

Click the image for a larger view.

Roughin’ Reddy was a “topper” strip created by C. D. Small, which, as toppers were, was printed above the main strip he drew at the time, Salesman Sam. Small took over for the strip’s original creator, George Swanson, when Swanson was hired by another syndicate. Small not only took over, but emulated Swanson’s art style so completely that their work is nearly indistinguishable. It’s amazing, then, that Small was able to create a companion topper that matched the same style.

I would have included the Salesman Sam strip that accompanies this, but it doesn’t have anything to do with Christmas, so I left it out.


Mutt and Jeff, December 22, 1942

Mutt and Jeff, December 22, 1942

Click the image for a larger view.

I enjoy living in a state where there is no snow to shovel. I'm not a fan of snow, at all. I'd much rather be singing Christmas carols, like Mutt and Jeff do here, though I'm not sure how one would "make some dough" doing it. Perhaps caroling was a bit different in 1942.


Mutt and Jeff, December 23, 1942

Mutt and Jeff, December 23, 1942

Click the image for a larger view.

The Christmas comic strip tradition continues, beginning with Mutt and Jeff, originally created by Bud Fisher. Jeff seems to have a different idea of what "out in the woods" means than I do. It seems to be more along the lines of "out in a snowy field near a few buildings." Perhaps they decided that avoiding private property owners would be easier than possibly having to avoid bears.
