The Bungle Family, December 16, 1928

The Bungle Family, December 16, 1928

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The Bungle Family was created in 1918 by Harry Tuthill, and it's nearly impossible for me to separate it in my mind from The Nebbs, The Gumps, and The Dingbat Family, because they're all so similar in many ways, and as I stated a few days ago, are in some cases direct rip-offs of each other. Still, they're each enjoyable in their own way.

This one isn't necessarily Christmas related, but it does illustrate one of the perils of winter weather. While all of those who end up as "prosecuting witnesses" in this strip also end up in the hospital, it's a wonder that George Bungle doesn't as well. He falls over three times in this strip alone, and who knows how many more times after the scene shifts. He must have a quite a hard head, in more ways than one.