Candy, December 21, 1944

Candy, December 21, 1944

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Sometimes subtlety is not the best approach. Of course Candy can't directly tell Ted what she wants him to get her for Christmas, but rather than drop hints, the best approach is always to start a rumor mill. That way, Ted will find out what Candy wants by overhearing gossip and can pretend that he was being really thoughtful, and Candy can pretend she didn't start the rumor mill in order to steer him towards getting her this very specific item. This is how relationships are built!

In all seriousness, though, at least he tried. A lot of guys might think getting a girl a yoyo for Christmas is silly and would look for something else to get. Ted, however, doesn't judge Candy for what he incorrectly thinks she enjoys, but goes to buy it because he believes it will make her happy. And that's sweet.