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Here's another Gasoline Alley strip, this time from Bill Perry. Perry was originally Frank King's assistant on his run on the strip. The story goes that King was confident that he could teach anyone to be a cartoonist, so he snagged Perry out of the newspaper mailroom to prove his point. He seems to have done pretty well, as Perry took over drawing the Sunday strips in 1951 and did so until 1975. Perry's art doesn't match the quality of King's, at least not in my opinion, but it's certainly enjoyable to look at.
Here we have Chipper and Clovia, the third generation of the Wallet family. Their father is Skeezix, who we saw as a child in the strip I posted previously. While Skeezix and Corky didn't appear to find Santa's castle, Chipper is able to using a guided missile. Of course this is also all a dream, but you would think kids would know better than to dream up that Santa uses an airplane instead of reindeer. Magical flying reindeer would obviously be able to go however fast you needed them to, and definitely faster than any airplane could.