Out Our Way, December 24, 1922

Out Our Way, December 24, 1922

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Every kid has (or thinks they have) perfected the art of faking being asleep, for various reasons, but especially at Christmas. I've never been a parent, so I don't know how it is from their perspective. As a kid, though, I was always fairly sure that my parents thought I was asleep and didn't know that I wasn't, though I imagine they probably knew more often than then didn't. I never remember them saying anything about it, though. I guess it didn't really matter then, so maybe I shouldn't have bothered.

Out Our Way, December 25, 1922

Out Our Way, December 25, 1922

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Maybe the dog didn't recognize him, but those kids most certainly do. That Santa isn't nearly plump enough to play the part. I can see he dropped the bag, but there's no sign of any discarded pillows or other stuffing to go inside the suit to simulate Santa's belly. That's why they want to know why he didn't go down the chimney. He's so thin, he would probably fit with no trouble.

Out Our Way, December 23, 1922

Out Our Way, December 23, 1922

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She may be upset at him for breaking the toy, but this is actually useful information to have. If he can break it that easily, imagine how much easier it would be for a kid to break it. Return that to the store immediately and get something else, because this is not what you want to give your child for Christmas.

The Wizard of Id, December 25, 1964

The Wizard of Id, December 25, 1964

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Apparently the Wizard still didn't believe in Santa, even after actually running into him, so he had to take a look through his trusty telescope to verify it. Turns out that the Evil Spirit was right, and he should be putting up a stocking. It's a bit confusing, though, that a wizard, who is a magical being, wouldn't believe in a different magical being who happens to give out presents. I guess I figure they all know each other, because they're all in the same business. Is there just some kind of hierarchy, like with actors, where amateur actors all know each other, but it doesn't mean they know Hollywood actors? Or does the wizard just not get out much, and stay in his tower all the time?

Or I guess the wizard could have just forgotten to put up the stocking and was reminded by seeing him. The timeline is still confusing, though. This one was published after the previous one where he ran into Santa. One would assume that would mean he's seeing Santa in the sky after he's already left. So, why would he be putting up a stocking now? To be better prepared for next year, I guess.

The Wizard of Id, December 23, 1966

The Wizard of Id, December 23, 1966

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Here we have Sir Rodney the Chickenhearted, receiving a gift from the king befitting of his name as well as his nature. Despite his cowardice, Sir Rodney is the head of the royal army and navy. I'd imagine this means that Id is a very safe kingdom, given their lack of need of any kind of competent military to protect them. The king doesn't seem to mind that Sir Rodney is this way, and in fact seems to be encouraging it. Maybe he's just hoping that Sir Rodney will be killed in battle so he can appoint someone else to the head of his military.

The Wizard of Id, December 20, 1964

The Wizard of Id, December 20, 1964

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The being in the vat is the Evil Spirit, who isn’t actually evil, and who would certainly not be getting a visit from Santa if it was. The wizard either believes that the Spirit is too evil to get presents, or that Santa doesn’t exist. He’s clearly wrong on both counts, but I guess now it gets double presents. It’s going to need a bigger stocking.

Polly And Her Pals, December 29, 1935

Polly And Her Pals, December 29, 1935

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Here's a strip that I was going to use last year, but didn't end up using. As with most Cliff Sterrett strips, I like looking at the artwork more than reading the joke. It's so fun, interesting, and dynamic, in the main strip and in the topper. Sterrett also teaches us that if you can't draw a cat realistically, just draw it as unrealistically as possible in as many ridiculous positions as you can. It'll work (at least it does here).

U.S. Acres, December 25, 1986

U.S. Acres, December 25, 1986

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Wade the duck has always confused me. He always wears that floaty thing, because I guess he doesn't swim that well, but it has a miniaturized version of his head on it. That's weird in itself, but it also always has a similar facial expression to his, and if he happens to be wearing anything, the mini-duck is wearing it, too. Did Orson get Wade a scarf, and somehow a tiny scarf appeared on the duck head, too? Or did Orson get scarves for both Wade and the mini-duck? It's confusing.

U.S. Acres, December 26, 1986

U.S. Acres, December 26, 1986

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I'm guessing Orson put the sweater on Sheldon, unless he somehow is able to use his feet to do so. I do wonder why Orson felt the need to add sleeves. I guess he's confused, as the rest of us are, as to why Sheldon hasn't hatched completely yet, and figures it has to happen soon.

U.S. Acres, December 27, 1986

U.S. Acres, December 27, 1986

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As someone who has hand-made Christmas presents for the past few years, with varying degrees of success, I can tell you that the best way to do it is to prepare well in advance, begin making them long before you plan to send them, and try to let the amount of thought and care you put into them show through. Otherwise, it just ends up being a disappointment for you and them.

There are different rules for kids, though. If you're a kid and you make a present yourself, it counts ten times more than if you buy something. Period. Even if it is a mud pie. This only works up to about 14 or 15, though.